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As a mother of two active kids, I understand the importance of finding the right martial arts class for my tornadoes. Martial arts are a great way to improve physical fitness, and they also teach valuable life skills such as self-discipline, self-confidence, and respect. Also as a mother to 2 daughters, it is particularly important for me to have my girls learn martial arts and the best martial arts style that siuts them !

So with alot of different styles to choose from, how do you choose the best one? It can be extremely difficult to decide which one is best suited for your child. So lets compare the two most popular martial arts styles for kids - hapkido and taekwondo.

Hapkido and taekwondo are both Korean martial arts that emphasize self-defense, but they differ in their techniques, philosophies, and approaches to training.

So whats the difference between Taekwondo and Hapkido?


Hapkido is a comprehensive martial art that focuses on practical self-defense techniques, joint locks, throws, and pressure points. Hapkido practitioners learn to use an opponent's force against them, redirecting their movements to control and subdue them. Unlike some other martial arts, hapkido does not rely on brute strength, making it an effective self-defense style for individuals of all sizes and ages.

Hapkido training typically begins with learning basic strikes, kicks, and blocks, followed by joint locks and throws. Students progress to more advanced techniques, including pressure points and weapons training, as they gain experience and proficiency. Hapkido classes may also include meditation, breathing exercises, and forms, which are sequences of techniques performed in a specific order.

The philosophy of hapkido is based on the concept of harmony, in which practitioners seek to harmonize their physical and mental energies to achieve a state of balance and unity. Hapkido also emphasizes the importance of respect, humility, and self-control, values that are instilled in students through their training.


Taekwondo is a popular martial art that focuses on fast, powerful kicks and punches, as well as agility, speed, and flexibility. Taekwondo practitioners learn to strike with precision and speed, using their legs and feet as their primary weapons. Taekwondo also incorporates forms, or patterns of movements, which are designed to improve balance, coordination, and technique.

Taekwondo training begins with learning basic kicks, punches, and blocks, followed by more advanced techniques such as flying kicks and spinning kicks. Students also learn self-defense techniques, sparring, and breaking, which involves breaking boards or other objects with strikes and kicks.

The philosophy of taekwondo is based on the five tenets of taekwondo: courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, and indomitable spirit. These values are instilled in students through their training, which emphasizes the importance of discipline, respect, and self-improvement.

So, what are the main differences between hapkido and taekwondo for kids?

Hapkido and Taekwondo Techniques

Hapkido and taekwondo have very different techniques. Hapkido emphasizes joint locks, throws, and pressure points, while taekwondo focuses on fast, powerful kicks and punches. Hapkido is more about redirecting an opponent's force and using their momentum against them, while taekwondo is more about delivering powerful strikes quickly.

Hapkido and Taekwondo Self-Defense

Both hapkido and taekwondo are effective for self-defense, but they approach it in different ways. Hapkido emphasizes practical self-defense techniques that are useful in real-life situations, while taekwondo teaches students to defend themselves using kicks and punches.

Hapkido and Taekwondo Philosophy

The philosophies of hapkido and taekwondo are also different. Hapkido emphasizes harmony, respect, and self-control, while taekwondo emphasizes courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, and indomitable spirit.


We started them both in Taekwondo for the fitness, as well as the less technical martial art for young children. Hapkido has a bit more technical skills, including wrist locks and twists, so we thought Taekwondo with a great forcus on kicking would be a bit easier to start them off with. So both our girls did Taekwondo from a young age but we found they were not as keen and excited about it as their mum ( ME ! I love Taekwondo ). So we changed them over to Hapkido in 2022, and they love Hapkido alot more! This is why its so imporant to try out different martial arts styles and different schools... because we are all very very different in our techniques, our approaches and what we focus on.

So what do you do when your child loves more than 1 martial arts ?

Our youngest daughter started Muay Lao kick boxing, as well as Hapkido. Having a Martial Arts school that offers different classes in different martial arts styles is a great option to give your child diversity in their classes, and let them try different things all in one location.

So whats the difference between Taekwondo, Hapkdio and Kick Boxing? Well, thats another blog post !

In the mean time, you can always give it a go and find out !

To get started simply involves signing up to our 1 week unlimited free trial and showing up to your first class ! that easy

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