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Updated: Jan 30, 2023

It's scary but worth it, because it just gets easier from here!


Don't worry ! you will practice this in class before the big day ! We will not let you fail this one. Our White Belt boards are also very thin and easy to break. The point of this board break is to get you cofortable and confident in starting to break boards, especially when you are under pressure and every one is watch. You will learn that little thin boards are nothing to be scared of ! As you prepare for the bigger thicker boards at Black Belt level. We start preparing you from day one. We do not make you wait till you are a higher level belt to start having the real fun.


Just because its your first level and you are a newbie, does not mean its all easy. White belt grading is actually one of the hardest to achieve. First of all its your first one, you don't know what to expect, there are people watching, your masters are judging you at the front dressedi in their black scary uniforms and you do not have the habit and reflexes of the higher belts yet. You can get a bit confused and lost with techniques you thought you knew. AND the white belt grading is the longest, as you must demonstrate the basic fundamental kicks, strikes, stances, leg work, and poomse patterns.

Do not worry, after you have completed your first ever grading, you will gain alot of confidence, because you did it ! and you succeed it ! AND you will have felt like you earnt your first yellow belt, rather than having it just handed to you. Our Taekwondo syllabus is challenging but created for you to succeed with pride.

Your kicks will be high ! Your punches and strikes will be strong ! Your blocks will be powerful ! You will surprise yourself and you will be proud of yourself... and so will we

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